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Arduino tutorials page 1/10

Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
30/01/2025 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial of open source homemade MSLA printer with Arduino code on an ESP32 and usinga 4 inch TFT display and a UV LEDs matrix plus step motor control.

DIY Laser Power Meter for 10$ (PCB & code)
07/12/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
I always wanted to make my own laser power meter. This is an easy way to measure the power of any laser. I don't know the precison yet! More updates soon!

Fully Portable Battery Soldering Iron
13/10/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial, schematic, PCB and 3D files download for creating a fully cordless portable battery based soldering iron with OLED screen and Arduino code.

FOC control with Arduino + magnetic encoder feedback
25/05/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial, PCB circuit and code for ontrol a brushless motor with FOC field oriented control and Arduino SPWM signals and AS5600 magnetic encoder as feedback.

All about Arduino PWM frequencies
04/04/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
There are three such Timer/Counter registers: TCCR0B, TCCR1B, and TCCR2B. Since there are three different prescalers, the six PWM pins are broken up into three

Smallest ESC based on ARDUINO
24/03/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial on how to make an ESC of only 8mm wide and it works with Arduino. Check the schematic, PCB GERBER files and the code for download.

Debug Arduino and ESP with PlatformIO
17/03/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
This is how you actually make a debug for an Arduino code using virtual code studio, platformIO. Also a JTAG programmer for ESP32 debug.

Homemade Best Two Hand Multimeter with Arduino
29/02/2024 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Make a multimeter with Arduino capable of measuring current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, inductance, continuity, diode mode, frequency and a lot more. Still improving!

Page 1/10

Last tutorials

Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
Smallest ESC based on ARDUINO
Debug Arduino and ESP with PlatformIO
Homemade Best Two Hand Multimeter with Arduino
Homemade Baby White Noise Generator


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