Tutorial of open source homemade MSLA printer with Arduino code on an ESP32 and usinga 4 inch TFT display and a UV LEDs matrix plus step motor control.
I always wanted to make my own laser power meter. This is an easy way to measure the power of any laser. I don't know the precison yet! More updates soon!
Tutorial, PCB circuit and code for ontrol a brushless motor with FOC field oriented control and Arduino SPWM signals and AS5600 magnetic encoder as feedback.
There are three such Timer/Counter registers: TCCR0B, TCCR1B, and TCCR2B. Since there are three different prescalers, the six PWM pins are broken up into three
Make a multimeter with Arduino capable of measuring current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, inductance, continuity, diode mode, frequency and a lot more. Still improving!