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Robotics tutorials page 1/1

Workshop Table - Metal + 3D printed joints (no welding)
05/03/2022 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Motorized workshop table homemade with 3D printed parts, screws, metal bars and wood

Homemade Party Photobooth
21/05/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
How to make a homemade party photobooth for weddings or other events. Print automatically the photo on thermal paper in a couple of seconds. See circuit and part list.

Homemade Humidifier with "magic smoke" capacitor
05/03/2022 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Homemade and 3D printed humidifier with an ultrasonic mist generator of 24V and a 3D printed case with a fan below and control with an Arduino. It looks like a smoking capcitor.

Homemade Halloween Robot Skull
23/10/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
This will be a homemade, 3D printed and Arduino based Halloween skull. I’ve designed it in such a way that the jaw will move with a servo motor, we have RGB LEDs behind the eyes and also below the jaw, it has a speaker inside and it can play scary sounds, it can detect movement with a PIR sensor.

Arduino escaperoom puzzle in a box
20/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
This here is a homemade escape room puzzle tutorial. Meaning that you have to solve all its pieces in order to finish the escape room.

Homemade Smart Mirror
13/06/2020 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See how to make a smart mirror that will show the local weather, time, your calendar and agenda, important news and warnings from internet. It is using raspberry pi with a LCD and a one way mirror. See full tutorial on how to build and program smart magic mirror.

3D Printed RC plane - P38 Design
24/05/2020 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
I've been designing this plane for months now. I can't test it yet. If you want to test it, get in contact with me on my site. The plane is quite big. More details and instructions below. See schematic, 3D files, part list and more...

3D Printed Hexapod Robot
20/04/2020 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See how to make this HEXAPOD robot using 18 servo motors, a lot of 3D printed parts since the robot is 100% 3D printed and it has a Bluetooth connection so we can control it with our smartphone. See schematic, code, part list and more...

Homemade prompter with HDMI LCD

I always wanted a prompter so now I've made one. We can control it fron any PC with HDMI output. It has an LCD with HDMI controller, adaptor for tripod and more. Hope you like it. See more...

DIY drone with eBay parts (~150€)

See how to build, step by step, a drone using parts from eBay and a 3D printed body. But you have the full part list, the prices, the steps and links here on this tutorial. See more...

RETROPIE microwave

April's fool best project. I've made my won RETROPIE gaming console inside a microwave. See how to use the raspberry pi, install RETROPIE and play games...

Homemade electric longboard | PART 2

I'm building an electric longboard with powerful brushless motors, 3D printed case, homemade 6S battery pack, radio controller and much more. See full post for more...

Homemade electric longboard | PART 1

I'm building an electric longboard with powerful brushless motors, 3D printed case, homemade 6S battery pack, radio controller and much more. See full post for more...


This was a 6 months project. Download for free the STL files and print your own radio controlled yak55 plane.


I'm a noob of FPV drone flying. I want to change that and share my experience with you at the same time. Enjoy.

Any drone needs a PID control in order to fly streight. In this tutorial we will create the entire code for a drone flight controller.

Any drone needs a PID control in order to fly streight. The PID is the sum of one proportional part, integral part and the derivate part. This sum will control the PWM signal for our motors in order to control the movement of the drone.

You whant to build a cheap drone? Here you will learn all about each part of a drone and how to build it using very cheap modules. We will build the flight controller, the transmitter and receiver, the drone body and all the motor electronics. You will find all the codes, schematics and fotos that will help you to build your own.

We are going to build step by step a radio controlled plane. First we are going to build the radio controller using an old controller and arduino. Next we print the Spitfire plane body. Finnaly we install all the electronics inside the plane and program the microcontrollers with Multiwii platform.

A small video tutorial series which will teach you how to build a RC machine from 0. Using arduino and some radio modules we will be able to make a radio conection, send data from the controller and move the tank.

You will learn how to build a CNC machine. In this case it will be a CNC plotter using step motors from old DVD burnners. You will learn all the steps in ordder to build it, edit a g code and start printing.

In the BadAss tank tutorial you learn all the electronic part of the tank building. In this part you will see how to 3D print and build your own real replica of a war Tiger 1 tank.

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Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
3D Printed Headphones with PLANAR PCB
FOC control with Arduino + magnetic encoder feedback
Laser Power Meter DIY PCB
All about Arduino PWM frequencies


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