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Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
Fully Portable Battery Soldering Iron
Turbo Air Blower with Brushless motor + 3D printed case
3D Printed Headphones with PLANAR PCB
FOC control with Arduino + magnetic encoder feedback


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The Ortur 15W engraver for only 160€

Mainboard 32-bit STM32 chip for faster and greater speed. Multiple Safety Protection Making Operas
| by Andrei
First 108MP Xiaomi Phone (STAY TUNED)

Xiaomi with Samsung announced the World's 108MP Camera for Smartphone that will likely be equipped with Mi MIX 4 which is coming really soon. See how to get this phone before its release.
| by Andrei

The build starts with a sheet of acrylic, which has a grid pattern etched into it using nothing more exotic than a knife and a ruler. Though if you do have access to some kind of CNC router, this would be a perfect time to break it out.
| by Andrei
Aquarium Auto Lighting System

In this DIY guide we see how to make your own Arduino aquarium auto lighting system. The creator decided to make his own PCB that is based on Arduino UNO microcontroller - Atmega328p. You will find the electronic schematic with PCB layout so you can easily produce it.
| by Andrei
OPEN Power - Breadboard power supply

Prototype 1: Simple and Cheap Constant Voltage/ Constant Current Power Supply variable from 0.6V to 12V with led voltage indication. USB Load sharing powered and Lipo backup. (cost under $3.25)
| by Andrei
Light Switch + Fan Dimmer with ESP8266

In this post you are going to see how to build your own light switch and fan dimmer in just one board with the microcontroller and WiFi module ESP8266. This is a great project for IoT.
| by Andrei
The world’s cheapest 3D printer for only $99.99

The ability to print three dimensional objects has caught the imagination of millions and now a little known Chinese company is selling what is possibly the cheapest 3D printer available on the open market.
| by Andrei
Quintcopter Plywood Design

Relativity simple multicopter, built using 3mm plywood and using the very common and cheap A2212 motor with 30 Amp brushless controller. Propellers are 1045 the flight controller is the simple KK2.1.5. Powered by a 3000mAh 3 cell lipo the whole model cost around £100.
| by Andrei
SteamPunk Radio

This project is without doubt the most complex I have undertaken, with sixteen IV-11 VFD tubes, two Arduino Mega cards, ten LED Neon light circuits, a servo, an electromagnet, two MAX6921AWI IC Chips, five DC power supplies, a HV power supply, two DC Volt meters, a DC Amp meter, FM stereo radio, 3W power amplifier, LCD screen, and keyboard.
| by Andrei

Many of us have considered buying an air hockey table, but are put off by the price. And even if the money is there, those things take up a lot of space. How often are you really going to use it? This DIY air hockey table is the answer.
| by Andrei

It’s time once again for another installment in “Milspec Teardown”, where we get to see what Uncle Sam spends all those defense dollars on. Battle hardened pieces of kit are always a fascinating look at what can be accomplished if money is truly no object.
| by Andrei

Fitness trackers have become a popular piece of consumer electronic equipment, with a range of models from a variety of manufacturers. Many of these commercial offerings, however, leave the consumer with the prospect of their data being drawn off to a cloud server...
| by Andrei

A lot of these antennas are actually made for some commercial purpose like keeping ships connected to Inmarsat. In fact, the shipborne antenna has a nice motorized system for pointing the antenna that [SignalsEverywhere] is hoping to modify for his own purposes...
| by Andrei
PCB had their 5 Years Anniversary!

PCBWay had their 5 Years Anniversary and look at the gifted badge. It is quite interesting and it blinks. Quite cool right. Read more here.
| by Andrei
DIY Compact Stereo Amplifier

How to Make 60 Watt Portable Amplifier in a Very Simple Way using TDA2050 ic it is a very popular ic you can find in many home theatre system it can provide a maximum power of 30 watts at 4 ohms It needs a dual power supply 24 0 24, In this project were used 2 of it.
| by Andrei
3D Printed Axial Flux Alternator and Dynamometer

The eventual goal is that this type of motor/alternator can become a parametrized open source design. A user should be able to enter some parameters, like torque, speed, current, volts/rpm...
| by Andrei
Weather Based Music Generator

Little Weather based Music generator. It's based on an ESP8266, kind of like an Arduino, and it responds to temperature, rain and light intensity.
| by Andrei
Meet Midiboy!

Midiboy is an open-source DIY handheld microcomputer with MIDI support that comes in a form of a kit. Based on Arduino - one of the most popular maker platforms - Midiboy can run different MIDI programs or retro games called sketches. See more...
| by Andrei
Version 3 for my Open source ESC

I've made a new version for the open source ESC board. Now this one is smaller, better and with a new firmware. It gets better speed and reacts better...
| by Andrei
PasswordPump Passwords Manager

This is v1.0 of the PasswordPump, a USB device that manages credentials for up to 254 accounts. Credentials (account names, usernames and passwords) are stored ONLY on the device itself, on two removable EEprom chips using military grade encryption (AES-128). See more...
| by Andrei
Self balancing robot

Interesting project on how to make a self balancing robot with DC motors, PID control and IMU to detect accelerations. See how to make this with Arduino. See more...
| by Andrei
Rick and Morty Portal Gun

This post about an Instructables that will explain all the steps you will need to flow to build yourself a working portal gun like Ricks! for roughly £35!. See more...
| by Andrei
DIY 18650 Lithium Ion Cells Charging Grid

If you need a battery pack for an electric bike, make a battery pack and go with the popular 18650 lithium ion cells from two old hoverboard batteries. See more...
| by Andrei
Music Spectrum With Digital Clock and Temperature

We are here again with a project you will like. If you like listening to music and enjoy the visuality, this project is for you. DIGITAL CLOCK MUSIC SPECTRUM ELECTRONIC KIT WITH TEMPERATURE DISPLAY. See more...
| by Andrei
Wearable LED Matrix Badge

Badges are awesome, especially when these have LEDs. Design a PCB Badge that you can pin proudly and wear at your next important event. See more...
| by Andrei
DIY Temperature Meter

How to make a Temperature Meter using Bar Graph and Atmega328p. The original post will include all the details like circuit diagram, PCB fabrication , Coding, Assembly and Testing. See more...
| by Andrei
10 Million YouTube PCB

You want to celebrate your subscriber count for YouTube? Well, sue this board for any amount of subscribers, for silver button, gold or diamong. See more...
| by Andrei
RGB Temperature Indicator

As much as I love to dive into explaining what each of those xChips can do and how you can manipulate them to perform certain functionalities. See more...
| by Andrei
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Watch

The ChronodeVFD uses a IVL2-7/5 display tube, which in addition to being small and low-current is also flat rather than rounded, and features a transparent backing. See more...
| by Andrei
Arduino Learner Kit (Open Source)

If you are a beginner in Arduino World and going to learn Arduino having some hands-on experience this Instructables and this Kit is for you. See more...
| by Andrei
Open MenuRFID NFC Tap and Go Ring

The idea behind this project is that if you have an RFID credit card, dissolve it in acetone, take out the RFID chip and make a ring with it. See more...
| by Andrei

Another clock everybody. But this is a different clock, a word clock which means it uses words instead of numbers to show the hour and it also looks great. See more...
| by Andrei
AC Light Dimmer PCB

Phase control for AC voltage is interesting. You could buy some dimmers for that or just make your own module. Be careful working with high AC votlage. See more...
| by Andrei
OpenRC Transmitter

The heart of the transmitter is a custom board with an ESP32, two MCP23017 gpio expanders, one ads1115 16 bit adc and some voltage regulators, those handle 10 switches See more...
| by Andrei

The interesting aspect of these chips is how they use registers to change the audio output. Essentially, there is a complicated register map... See more...
| by Andrei
Arduino star tracker

Arduino star tracker with 3D parts, step motors and good code. Track stars with the telescope with good precision. There's a tutorial as well. See more...
| by Andrei
Arduino FlappyBird in C++

How To Make FlappyBird C++ and Arduino. The project’s software is based on code by Themistokle Benetatos. See more...
| by Andrei
Arduino based Quadrotor on a PCB

A miniature drone comprising a single printed circuit board that is both its structural frame and its electronics motherboard. The end result was "4pcb", a 138-gram micro quadrotor. See more...
| by Andrei

A pcb tesla coil that can generate 5cm arcs into the air, powered from my 5V 3A USB C laptop jack. See more...
| by Andrei
Bitty - by Curious Sound Objects

There's a new project on kickstarter. This is a pocket drum machine. It's a synthesizer. It's small and it is quite loud for a small device. See more...
| by Andrei
PCBWay quality and precision

I've received some PCB samples from PCBWay. Let's take one, put it under the magnifying lens and check the soldermask, resolution, etc. See more...
All in one machine!!!

The omni multimachine is conceived to combine several useful operations from a single design machine capable of cutting materials to size , engraving them and routing them for instant placement... See more...
| by Andrei
Arduino-controlled photogrammetry rig

Want to scan an object and get a 3D file. There are a few ways to do that. Capture things in three dimensions, you’ll need to snap multiple photos together with software. See more...
| by Andrei
Open sorce ESC board V2

Some time back I've posted the open source ESC board from ELECTRONOOBS. That is up and running. Now he made a second version with a few more corrections... See more...
| by Andrei
RC car PCB radio+bluetooth

Electronoobs made this board compatible with an previous tutorial on an Arduino based radio controller. This board could control motors, sound, servos, etc. See more...
| by Andrei

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