Author Andrei
I found this another learning kit PCB on instructables and you ahve the full post by taifur here on
this link. The board looks cool and has some decent modules. It is also open source so anyone could make it, so that's also cool. So, as taifur psoted, if you are a beginner in Arduino World and going to learn Arduino having some hands-on experience that Instructables of this Kit is for you. This Kit is also a good choice for the teachers who like to teach Arduino to their students in an easy way. The board has LEDs, buzzers, buttons and sensors such as the DHT11, temperature sensors and more. It has potentiometers for anlog input testing, PWM outputs with RGB leds for other examples, SPI comunication for 74HC595 Shift Register, DOT Matrix display with the MAX7219CNG, DS1307 real time clock with i2c communication...