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RGB Temperature Indicator
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Author Andrei

I've run over this project by thecxhacker on Instructables. He made a simple but good looking RGB indicator for temperature and he's sharing all the process for us on that page. As a simple resume of waht you could find on his post using the products from XinaBox, which by the way, is pronounced as "X-in-a-Box", in that simple 5-step instructable, he will cover the following topics:

• Components needed
• Connecting the different xChips together.
• Setting up the Arduino IDE environment.
• Writing the code
• And finally, testing the idea out

Technically, most basic product tutorials usually begin with a "Hello World!" example, or even a "Blink" example, which you might already be very familiar with since you have worked with Arduino or Raspberry Pi at some point. But he doesn't want us to start with that, because everyone is already doing the same thing, which makes it a bit boring really. Here are the items that we are going to need (refer to the photos provided for this section of the Instructable):

• IP02 - Advanced USB Programming Interface
• CC03 - Arm Cortex M0+ Core
• SW02 - VOC and Weather Sensor
• xBUS connectors - I2C communications between xChips
• xPDI connector - to enable programming and debugging

One very important thing he wanted to put out there, if you think that there is a particular project idea that you like him to explore and create an Instructables about, do let he know, all ideas are welcomed and you coudl find his psot on this link here. For more you coyld check his video with a real time example of this board working. I hope taht you liked this post. For more make you follow electronoobs.

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Blog#74 - RGB Indicator

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