Author Andrei
Ok, so we have another clock project on this page but this one is a bit different. The main difference is that is using words instead of numbers to show the time and that makes it a lot cooler. As you can see from the start, in order to show all these words we need a lot of lights behind each character, to be more precise 120 LEDs in total. Now controling this amount of lights is not easy using just a single microcontroller. We definitally need to multplex the chatodes and anodes of the LEDs by rows and columns since the used chip has a low amount of pins, in this case he used the ATmega328p microcontroller, which is the same chip used by our dear Arduino. Having 120 LEDs placed in 12 columns and 10 rows, that means we need 22 pins to control these lights. But how is that done?
So, a more digital and precise control is needed and is that why he designed a new PCB and compare it with a commercial product that dose the same.