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Curso Arduino Online nivel Intermedio

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questions and answer forum

Visit my electronics related Q&A page and post your question there. Also, join the community and help others out by answering the questions if you know the answer. LINK

arduino tutorials

Here you will find all my Arduino basic tutorials. Modules, codes, projects, communications and everything based on the Arduino technology. Learn Arduino step by step. LINK

circuits tutorials

Here you will find a lot of basic circuits tutorials such as the H-bridge, speed controllers or bost/buck converters. This are just some of the examples, visit for more. LINK

robotics tutorials

Here you will find all my Robotics tutorials. Make your own RC tank or plane. Create a drone. Learn about PID control and a lot more. Visit the Robotics page for more. LINK

 Last tutorials 

Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
DIY High Quality Microphone JLI2555 capsule
DIY Laser Power Meter for 10$ (PCB & code)
Fully Portable Battery Soldering Iron
Turbo Air Blower with Brushless motor + 3D printed case
3D Printed Headphones with PLANAR PCB
FOC control with Arduino + magnetic encoder feedback
Laser Power Meter DIY PCB
All about Arduino PWM frequencies
Smallest ESC based on ARDUINO
Debug Arduino and ESP with PlatformIO
Homemade Best Two Hand Multimeter with Arduino

DIY portable soldering iron V3.0

Now we can solder the remaining components such as the vibration sensor and the side push buttons. The board I've made didn't had the wings pads for the buttons, that's why I've put some hot hlue behind the buttons. But the final GERBER file has the wing pads for the buttons so solder those as well. Next we solder the clips for the T12 tip. Make sure the clips are on the bottom side. Read more

Arduino brushed motor DRONE tutorial

Go step by step and build the ultra low cost drone using some wood sticks, the Arduino, the MPU6050, NRF24 radio modules, the old radio transmitter and last but not least, the cheap brushed motors.. Read more

DIY Smartwatch + Bluetooth

I've been working on an Arduino based smartwatch that could show time, date, alarm, temperature, connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth and show notifications. I had some errors on this baord, but in this tutorial, I'm sharing the good board that I've already fixed. See below all the files, the GERBERS, the code and a step by tep tutorial. Lets start! Read more


I've started a new project. I want to make my own homemade electric longboard with a powerfull Brushless motor. The first idea was to use two motors, but I had not enough space between the wheels of my longboard. In this tutorial we will see how to mount everything together, make a test and give the final results. Make sure you watch the tutorial on how I've made my homemade 6S battery pack in order to finish this tutorial. Read more


 More posts 

Homemade ultrasonic distance sensor We learn with more details how these modules work. Then we build our own applying the theory. See more here... LINK
Arduino ambilight We read the serial data from the Perismatic software via USB connection. The arduino generates the data for the LED strip and send it to the Din pin. LINK

My ELECTRONOOBINO I've made my own Arduino board with some improvements such as double row of pins, SPI pins for NRF24 module and smaller USB. LINK
Homamde IR remote I've made my own design of a simple infrared remote. See the tutorial here. LINK

SMALL NRF24 RECEIVER PCB In this tutorial we will see how I've made this tiny PCB for a radio receiver. It is based on the ATMEGA328 chip and the NRF24 radio module. It has 4 outputs with H bridgeLINK
HOMEMADE NIXIES - DIY VINTAGE CLOCK I've made some "nixie" tubes. These are actually 7 segments displays made with filament LEDs but placed in a plastic bottle so it will have a more vintage nixie look.. LINK

Homemade AC/DC clamp You will like this tutorial a lot. Make your own both AC and DC current clamp. LINK
Homemade ESC Learn how the ESC works and build one yourself. Use back EMF as a feedback adn create the rotating sequence. LINK


Last tutorials

Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
3D Printed Headphones with PLANAR PCB
FOC control with Arduino + magnetic encoder feedback
Laser Power Meter DIY PCB
All about Arduino PWM frequencies


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Curso Arduino Online nivel Intermedio