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Arduino tutorials page 4/10

STM32 Development board PCB
03/06/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Design your own PCB using the basic configuration of the STM32F103C microcontroller. See my schematic, the PCB GERBERs and more.

STM32 + NRF24 radio module
03/06/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Control the NRF24 radio modules with SPI communication from the STM32 blue pill and programmed in Arduino IDE.

Starting with STM32 and the Arduino IDE
03/06/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Start working with the STM32F103C or the so-called the blue pill and program it with the Arduino IDE. Install boards and see how to upload codes.

Arduino ST7735 LCD .bmp picture from SD card
15/05/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Drawing bitmap images (.BMP format) on ST7735 TFT display is quite easy because they are uncompressed images unlike JPEG images (.JPG format). This post shows how to draw bitmap images on the ST7735 TFT using Arduino UNO board where the Arduino loads the BMP images from SD card and print them on the display. The ST7735 TFT is a color display that uses SPI protocol, it has a resolution of 128×160 pixel. This display works with 3.3V only.

Arduino Homemade DLP printer - PART 1 (electronics)
14/05/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
First part of this project for a homemade DLP resin printer based on Arduino, transparent LCD mask, UV light and stepper motor control. This part we make only the electronics and code. Next part is mechanical.

Smart Glasses Arduino Multimeter
10/04/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Homemade smart glasses multimeter with Arduino, Bluetooth connection and OLED display. 3D printed case and DIY prism. Rechargable with small Lipo Battery adn USB connector.

Gauges on a Nextion Display
27/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See how to receive data from Arduino on the UART port and display gauges on the Nextion screen.

Play Videos with Sound on Nextion Display
27/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
A breif example on how to convert videos from mp4 to .video and play those on a Nextion Touchscreen display

Nextion add buttons
26/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See an example on how to change the poge in NEXTION with the NX1060P101-011C-I display using buttons.

Page change in NEXTION
26/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See an example on how to change the poge in NEXTION with the NX1060P101-011C-I display.

Arduino PID 220V AC temperature Controller
20/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Measure temperature with a thermocouple and control PID the power with a solid state relay for 220V AC voltage and heater. Good for homemade filament extruder.

WatchX Tello Drone Control
07/03/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Another cool project with the WatchX development board. Check their new design and mount this project for controlling a Tello drone using the on board IMU and Bluetooth + WiFi connection. See links below.

Arduino Timer Interruptions
28/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Here I show you what is a timer, what timers we have on the ATMEGA328 and how to sue the timer interruptions. Timer ISR.

Raspberry Pi PICO PWM example
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
How to create PWM signal on the digital pins of the raspberry Pi PICO. Example of changing frequency and width.

Raspberry Pi PICO i2c OLED example
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
How to use the i2c port on the raspberry pi PICO in micropython. OLED SSD1306 i2c example code and library.

Raspberry Pi PICO ADC + Temperature Example
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial and code on how to read the 12 bits ADC of the raspberry pi PICO and print the value.

Upload permanent code to Raspberry Pi PICO
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
How to upload a permanent code to the Raspberry Pi PICO. Create the file adn upload it to the microcontrollr and make it run automatically.

Raspberry Pi PICO LED blink Example
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
See how to control outputs on the PICO. Examples for blinking an LED or two LEDs in an alternate mode. Use the amchine module and control the state of any GPIO in micropython.

Starting with Raspberry Pi PICO
13/02/2021 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
New Microcontroller on the market, the Raspberry Pi PICO. Let's start programming this in Micropython with examples for ADC read, PWM signal, I2C with an OLED display and more..

MPPT Controller Arduino Prototype
25/12/2020 | by: ELECTRONOOBS      
Tutorial on a prototype for a MPPT charger for solar panels or wind turbine and a 12V lead-acid battery. It is made with Arduino and you can see the circuit, prototype PCB and example code.

Last tutorials

Homemade MSLA printer ESP32 Arduino and TFT display
Smallest ESC based on ARDUINO
Debug Arduino and ESP with PlatformIO
Homemade Best Two Hand Multimeter with Arduino
Homemade Baby White Noise Generator


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