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3D Printed RC Plane
24/05/2020 | Robotics | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

PART 3.4 - Assemble 4

Now do the same for the left side of the wing. Don't add the controls yet. Now we have main cabin and the wings. Next step si to add the motors mount.

P38 homeamde RC plane

PART 3.5 - Assemble 5

Next add barbeque stick to the motor mount. Slide into the motor cabin part and glue it in palce with super glue. By now we have the main cabin, wings and the motor mount without the controls yet.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 3.6 - Assemble 6

Now get all the tail parts. Fist make the rear part of teh tail. Then add barbeque sticks and join the tail tubes parts of tail A and B. When we have the rear tail and tubes, we can join the parts to the rest of the plane.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 3.7 - Assemble 7

Finally, join the tail parts with the rest of the body using sticks and glue. Next aprt we add the controls.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 3.8 - Assemble 8

Now add the controls. Those are 2 alerons, the elevator and 2 rudders. Add the nylon hinges first. You might need to cut the hinge to size. Add gkue and then fix it in place on the wing or tail. Next part we add the electonics.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 4 - Schematic

Have in mind the connections are these ones. We need 4 servos. One servo for each aleron. The elevator and rudders will be connected with only 1 servo for each. We have 2 motors. So we need those motors with 2 ESCs. Make sure one motor will spin CW and the other one CCW to substract torque and be more stable. Add wires to the ESCs and a T conenctor in order to connect those to the battery. Make sure taht from the ESCs you only connect one 5V wire to the receiver. One 5V wire is enough.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 5 - Electronics: Brushless Motors

Add bullet connectors with long wires to the ESCs and brushless motors. Then pass the wires from the motors through the motor mount 3D part. Add screws and fix the motor in place. Make sure one is CW motor and the other one is CCW and the screw for the propeller will close in the oposite direction of rotation. Connect the wires from motor to the ESCs. Solder long wires to the supply of ESCs. Pass the wires through the wing. Inside the cabin solder together supply wires from the ESCs and add one T connector for the LiPo. Solder tin wires for 5V, GND and signal for the ESCs. Only solder one 5V from any of the ESCs. Connect these to the radio receiver.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 5 - Electronics: Servos

Add long wires for 5V, GND and signal to the servos. Glue them in the holes below the wing. Pass teh wire through the wing to the cabin adn connect them to the receiver. Add the servos for rudder adn elevator into the supports. I've used metal wire to pass the force from the servo to the controls. Print the plastic hoock and glue that to the controls. Connect the servos to the receiver and that's it.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

PART 6 - Adjust the controls

Power on the radio controller with throttle at maximum. Connect the battery to the plane. Lower throttle to minnimum and configure the ESCs. Then adjust the PWM signal from the controller for the servos till they are in the middle position.

3D printed plane assemble 3dlabprint

See the video

That's it guys. Consider supporting my work by purchasing the plane from here. Also, support me on PATREON or if you want support me on my PayPal. Thank you very much. I hope you like this project.

24/05/2020 | Robotics | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

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