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Turbo BLower
14/09/2024 | Views: 9543 | Circuits | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

Every time I go on TikTok or Instagram I see one of those turbo air blowers. They’ve become very popular, cleaning cars, removing water, sand or snow, dust and so on. At first, I couldn't find one to buy but now you have them on AliExpress, but they are a bit too expensive. I thought to myself, I bet I could make one for way less. It has to be small but powerful so I’ve started making tests with drone brushless motors and small ESCs. But I found that you could now buy only the motor for something around 6 dollars. A few more dollars for the batteries, a 3D printed case and that’s it. Instead of paying 50 dollars for a new one I want to design my own. Stay till the end to see its true power. I will share with you the part list and the 3D design so you could make your own, and that being said, let’s get started.

Part 1 - What we need

The key for this project was finding the brushless motor and more important, the propeller. You see, a normal drone motor with a drone propeller with 3 or 4 blades, would vibrate too much and won’t push that much air as the propeller of the motor I've found for the same size, and that is called a turbo propeller. It is basically a full circle of propellers inside of a cylinder. That creates a way bigger suction and with that it moves a lot of air while being so small. The entire motor is only 28 mm in diameter and 28 mm long but see in the video how much power it has.

homemade turbo air blower 3D printed

Part 2 - 3D files

The next part is the design of the case and this took some time to make it small, compact and also look good. I’ve tried to copy more or less the online design but instead of 2 batteries, I will make mine a bit bigger for 3 batteries and more power. I've made the space for the motor. Then the space where the batteries will go. I added the push button. And below everything I will add the small BMS with a connector for charging. You can use a balanced BMS and add your own USB connector or you can find on AliExpress a BMS that already has a USB connector if you want. At the air output I’ve placed a hole for a magnet. And then I’ve made the tip funnel which will also have a magnet so we can merge them together. And the design is ready, but this is like the forth version. I had to make a few attempts until I got the right size and shape.

Part 3 - Assemble 1

Since all parts have small details for the screws, button and charger, I’ve used my resin printer for that. These above are the final parts. I like how the printing bed of my printer gives a nice pattern on the prints, they look so nice. Now we can assemble it. This below should be the connections. The BMS to the batteries, the batteries to the ESC and the button from ground to the potentiometer input. And that’s it.

hDIY Air blower schematic

Part 4 - Assemble 2

I first insert the motor into the case. Then pass the wires through the hole into the battery compartment. I use my spot welder and make a series of 3 batteries for 12V. Connect the red wire to positive and the black to negative. Place the BMS down here. I’ve connected the push button but I had to re move it since it had too much resistance. As you can see it has more than 50 ohms which is way too much. So, I finally used a normal push button like this one. Add it on the side and connect it to the blue wire. Now we can close the case but first I will give it a short test. It works but I think these holes on the back are too small and I can hear how they are restraining the air flow. I will make them bigger in the design. Also, the battery is not charged. I close the case with these very small screws that are always very useful. I’ve actually got an entire set of different sizes and I recommend it to you, they are very useful for small projects. I add the magnet on the front part. Then I screw it in place. And just like that, the air blower is ready. Let 's test it out.

homemade 3D printed turbo air blower

Part 5 - Full Video

These holes on the back were too small. I’ve changed the design, but in my video I will break them just to test it out. It has SO MUCH PWOER!!!! The total cost was less than 15 dollars. I’m also sharing my 3D design for free if you want to print it.

If my videos help you, consider supporting my work on my PATREON or a donation on my PayPal. Thanks again and see you later guys.

14/09/2024 | Views: 9543 | Circuits | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

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