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Flyback Speaker - PCB GERBERs
07/08/2021 | Views: 11203 | Circuits | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

If you don't want to buy the Flyback Speaker KIT we've seen before, well, I've took the time and made the same schematic and then I've created a PCB. You can download the PCB GERBER files from below for free. If you consider supporting my work, you can also give me a donation on PayPal or Patreon, and the links are also below. Thank you for that. Also, here I'm sharing the EasyEda project if you want to make any changes to the circuit or PCB.

Please have in mind that this PCB was not tested yet. Is the same schematic as the Kit I've got from Aliexpress, but the PCB was not tested. Some tracks have exposed copper so you can manually add solder and make them withstand more current. Be careful working with high votlage, it could hurt you. Also, please add a heat dissipator to the MOSFET since it will get quite hot. Sometimes, the circuit is using more than 100W.

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