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Arduino 3D printed radio controller

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Yes, I've made another radio controller. Why? well, I wanted to have a more commercial look. So, I've designed a 3D case, then I've used some high quality joysticks in order to have better analog read, It has an OLED screen so we could see the data we send and we could also digitally adjust the data. It also has 2 modes, linear and exponential.

PART 1 - Schematic transmitter

Below you ahve the schematic for this project with all the connections and components values. Check all you need for this porject on the full part list below as well. Make sure you set the buck converters to 12.6V and 3.3V befor you connect them to the circuit. That's very important. For the transmitter you need a NRF24 module with power amplified antenna in order to get more range.

Arduino 3D printed radio controller

PART 2 - 3D case

The case is made out of 2 main parts, the top and bottom part. Then we need 9 plastic push buttons, 4 push button double support and one single support. We also need the sliding switch button. To close the case I've sued 3 3mm screws, two on the top part and one more on the bottom.

homemade 3D printed radcio controller

I've used 2 perimeters and 20% infill for all the parts and PLA material. There's no need for supports. The parts are already oriented and ready to print. My printer has a 0.4mm nozzle, and the layer height was set to 0.3mm.

PART 3 - Mounting the transmitter

First, I connect in series the batteries and glue them to the back part of the radio controller. Then I solder wires from the DC jack to the big boost/buck converter and I plug in the main adaptor. Then I set the converter to 12.6V and glue the potentiometer so it will stay that way. Now I connect the batteries to the 3S BMS and the output from the buck convrerter to the BMS input/output. I glue everything on the case.

3D printed PLA radio controller tutorial

Step 2 is to add all the small push buttons. Place 2 buttons on each support as you can see below. Also, one button on the small support. Then, add a small plastic push button in each hole on the top aprt of the case and then we screw in place all the supports on the top part of the 3D printed case.

3D printed RC case

Now, add wires to the potentiometers of the joysticks for GND, 5V and signal. Then screw in place the joysticks and also the sliding switch in the middle of the controller. Add the toggle switchs and the potentiometers on the top side. Finally, glue in place the Arduino NANO on one corner.

3D printed RC case

Ok, now, very important you haev to set the small buck converter to 3.3V and then glue the potentiometer. Then connect that to the NRF24 module. Finally, connect all wires to the Arduino as in the schematic. Add the i2c OLED display as well and glue everything inside the case. Connect power from the other part of the case and that's it. You could now close the case and program the Arduino.

3D printed RC case

PART 4 - Transmitter code

Ok, for the code, make sure you downlaod and install the OLED and NRF24 libraries from the link below as well. Then, download the code, compile and uplaod it to the Arduino. For more details read the comments in the code in order to know how to tune all the values for the joystick read and the battery read as well.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>             //Downlaod it here:
#include <RF24.h>              
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>         //Downlaod it here:
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>     //Downlaod it here:
#include <EEPROM.h>

3D printed RC case


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Radio controller
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