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Swarm PCB Robot
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Author: Andrei
Do you know what Swarm PCB Robot are? Well, swarm robotics is an approach to the coordination of multiple robots as a system which consist of large numbers of mostly simple physical robots. Miniaturization and cost are key factors in swarm robotics. These are the constraints in building large groups of robots. So, basically, we need very small robots, easy to cahrge, that communicate one to each other and can do stuff. That's exactly what Carl Bugeja YouTube channel posted in his video. He is working on a swarm robot made directly on to a flexible PCB and his work looks very interesting. Using a flexible PCB seems like an innovation for this topic, swarm, robots.

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He designed the board to be very small, light and have decent coils for each arm so the robot could move. Now the movement is simple. There will be a magnet below each arm with a coil. Applying current to the coil, a magnetic field will be created that if oposed to the magnet it will push upwards the arm and by that move around.

As for communication, he proposet 3 options. IR, Bluetooth or WIFI. Since IR is a verly low range communication and WIFI could get complicated, he selected a very small Bluetooth module to palce on the board and create communication between the robots. As you cans ee on the PCB, below the BLE mddule there is empty space in order to reduce noise to th antenna.

Also, below the flexible PCB, he will also create a stronger PCB that will only keep the magnets and support the other PCB. To charge these robots, he will use the arms as connectors to a general cahrger.
But what will this robot do? A first approach, well, using the signal strength of the Bluetooth module, he could get the distance between robots and communicate the that one to each other robot, that could be interesting.

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Blog#38 - Swarm PCB Robot

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