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Planar Headphones - GERBERs
30/06/2024 | Views: 3703 | Circuits | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

This is a flexible PCB specially designed for planar speakers. It has the copper tracks that will act as a coil and the PCB will be in between magnets and that creates a speaker. Download my GERBER files from below and then go to and let’s order the boards. Select the flexible PCB option and click the quote now button. For the rest I leave them as they are. I save to cart and on the next page I upload the GERBERs. I place the order and just like that the PCBs will arrive in a week or so. PCBWAY done a great job. It is a flexible PCB so is a bit more fragile. You can see the coil made with the copper tracks. Is made to work with 7 pairs of magnets. Solder wires with a lower temperature and faster than usual because these PCBs can’t handle the soldering iron for a long time.

GEBRER PCB download planar speaker

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