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Balancing Robot - Part List
02/10/2021 | Views: 19703 | Arduino | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

Let's see what we need for this project. First, the PCB. If you want the same PCB, get the GERBER files from a chapter below and go to PCBWAY and order the boards. The list is not that long. We need the stepper drivers which could be the basic A4988 but even better, the TMC2225 drives for a better and silent movement. We need two NEMA 17 motors, the MPU6050 gyro/acc module, a small 5V buck converter, a 3S battery, two HC-05 Bluetooth module, one for the robot and another one for the remote. Extra, we could also add a small OLED screen in order to create faces for the robot. As small aprts, we need an ATMega328p-AU chip, the 16MHz resonator and some SMD resistors and capacitors. Also a small SMD Buzzer and some LEDs.

DIY arduino balancing robot

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