Author: Andrei
For more chek the original project
here by Moritz Wenzel. The OwnWatch is fully hackable and makes it possible to realize Arduino projects simple as usual and connect and control them with the watch itself or over the watch with your phone via Bluetooth.
- Supports Bluetooth 4.0 AND 2.0 (HM-13 Dual mode Bluetooth module)
- Gyro + Accelerometer (MPU6050)
- Magnetometer (HMC5883L)
- Pressure Sensor (BMP180)
- Three Temperature Sensors
- Ambient Light Sensor
- Audio (via internal Speaker or external Headphones)
- Lithium-Polymer Battery (280mAh)
- Atmel ARM Cortex-M0+ SAM D21 - 48MHz - 256KB Flash - 32KB RAM
- New Case-Design (54mm * 40mm * 13.8mm)
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