PCBWAY PCB service

PCBWAY PCB service


Arduino drone V2.0 - Full angle + filter

You can download the Acc raw data read code here

Unzip the file. Open the .ino file and upload it to the Arduino UNO/NANO. Make THIS connection open the serial monitor once uploaded. Remember to select 9600 baud rate or change the speed in the code.

arduino IMU mpu6050

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Or copy this code:

/* http://www.youtube.com/c/electronoobs
 * This is an example where we configure te data of the MPU6050
 * and read the Acceleration data and print it to the serial monitor
 * Arduino pin    |   MPU6050
 * 5V             |   Vcc
 * GND            |   GND
 * A4             |   SDA
 * A5             |   SCL
#include <Wire.h>

//Gyro Variables
float elapsedTime, time, timePrev;        //Variables for time control
int gyro_error=0;                         //We use this variable to only calculate once the gyro data error
float Gyr_rawX, Gyr_rawY, Gyr_rawZ;     //Here we store the raw data read 
float Gyro_angle_x, Gyro_angle_y;         //Here we store the angle value obtained with Gyro data
float Gyro_raw_error_x, Gyro_raw_error_y; //Here we store the initial gyro data error

//Acc Variables
int acc_error=0;                         //We use this variable to only calculate once the Acc data error
float rad_to_deg = 180/3.141592654;      //This value is for pasing from radians to degrees values
float Acc_rawX, Acc_rawY, Acc_rawZ;    //Here we store the raw data read 
float Acc_angle_x, Acc_angle_y;          //Here we store the angle value obtained with Acc data
float Acc_angle_error_x, Acc_angle_error_y; //Here we store the initial Acc data error

float Total_angle_x, Total_angle_y;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin();                           //begin the wire comunication
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);           //begin, Send the slave adress (in this case 68)              
  Wire.write(0x6B);                       //make the reset (place a 0 into the 6B register)
  Wire.endTransmission(true);             //end the transmission
  //Gyro config
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);           //begin, Send the slave adress (in this case 68) 
  Wire.write(0x1B);                       //We want to write to the GYRO_CONFIG register (1B hex)
  Wire.write(0x10);                       //Set the register bits as 00010000 (1000dps full scale)
  Wire.endTransmission(true);             //End the transmission with the gyro
  //Acc config
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);           //Start communication with the address found during search.
  Wire.write(0x1C);                       //We want to write to the ACCEL_CONFIG register
  Wire.write(0x10);                       //Set the register bits as 00010000 (+/- 8g full scale range)

  Serial.begin(9600);                     //Remember to set this same baud rate to the serial monitor  
  time = millis();                        //Start counting time in milliseconds

/*Here we calculate the acc data error before we start the loop
 * I make the mean of 200 values, that should be enough*/
    for(int a=0; a<200; a++)
      Wire.write(0x3B);                       //Ask for the 0x3B register- correspond to AcX
      Acc_rawX=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ; //each value needs two registres
      Acc_rawY=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ;
      Acc_rawZ=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ;

      Acc_angle_error_x = Acc_angle_error_x + ((atan((Acc_rawY)/sqrt(pow((Acc_rawX),2) + pow((Acc_rawZ),2)))*rad_to_deg));
      Acc_angle_error_y = Acc_angle_error_y + ((atan(-1*(Acc_rawX)/sqrt(pow((Acc_rawY),2) + pow((Acc_rawZ),2)))*rad_to_deg)); 
        Acc_angle_error_x = Acc_angle_error_x/200;
        Acc_angle_error_y = Acc_angle_error_y/200;
  }//end of acc error calculation   

/*Here we calculate the gyro data error before we start the loop
 * I make the mean of 200 values, that should be enough*/
    for(int i=0; i<200; i++)
      Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);            //begin, Send the slave adress (in this case 68) 
      Wire.write(0x43);                        //First adress of the Gyro data
      Wire.requestFrom(0x68,4,true);           //We ask for just 4 registers 
      Gyr_rawX=Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();     //Once again we shif and sum
      Gyro_raw_error_x = Gyro_raw_error_x + (Gyr_rawX/32.8); 
      Gyro_raw_error_y = Gyro_raw_error_y + (Gyr_rawY/32.8);
        Gyro_raw_error_x = Gyro_raw_error_x/200;
        Gyro_raw_error_y = Gyro_raw_error_y/200;
  }//end of gyro error calculation   
}//end of setup void

void loop() {
  timePrev = time;                        // the previous time is stored before the actual time read
  time = millis();                        // actual time read
  elapsedTime = (time - timePrev) / 1000; //divide by 1000 in order to obtain seconds

  //////////////////////////////////////Gyro read/////////////////////////////////////

    Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);            //begin, Send the slave adress (in this case 68) 
    Wire.write(0x43);                        //First adress of the Gyro data
    Wire.requestFrom(0x68,4,true);           //We ask for just 4 registers
    Gyr_rawX=Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();     //Once again we shif and sum
    /*Now in order to obtain the gyro data in degrees/seconds we have to divide first
    the raw value by 32.8 because that's the value that the datasheet gives us for a 1000dps range*/
    Gyr_rawX = (Gyr_rawX/32.8) - Gyro_raw_error_x; 
    Gyr_rawY = (Gyr_rawY/32.8) - Gyro_raw_error_y;
    /*Now we integrate the raw value in degrees per seconds in order to obtain the angle
    * If you multiply degrees/seconds by seconds you obtain degrees */
    Gyro_angle_x = Gyr_rawX*elapsedTime;
    Gyro_angle_y = Gyr_rawY*elapsedTime;

  //////////////////////////////////////Acc read/////////////////////////////////////

  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);     //begin, Send the slave adress (in this case 68) 
  Wire.write(0x3B);                 //Ask for the 0x3B register- correspond to AcX
  Wire.endTransmission(false);      //keep the transmission and next
  Wire.requestFrom(0x68,6,true);    //We ask for next 6 registers starting withj the 3B  
  /*We have asked for the 0x3B register. The IMU will send a brust of register.
  * The amount of register to read is specify in the requestFrom function.
  * In this case we request 6 registers. Each value of acceleration is made out of
  * two 8bits registers, low values and high values. For that we request the 6 of them  
  * and just make then sum of each pair. For that we shift to the left the high values 
  * register (<<) and make an or (|) operation to add the low values.
  If we read the datasheet, for a range of+-8g, we have to divide the raw values by 4096*/    
  Acc_rawX=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ; //each value needs two registres
  Acc_rawY=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ;
  Acc_rawZ=(Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read())/4096.0 ; 
 /*Now in order to obtain the Acc angles we use euler formula with acceleration values
 after that we substract the error value found before*/  
 Acc_angle_x = (atan((Acc_rawY)/sqrt(pow((Acc_rawX),2) + pow((Acc_rawZ),2)))*rad_to_deg) - Acc_angle_error_x;
 Acc_angle_y = (atan(-1*(Acc_rawX)/sqrt(pow((Acc_rawY),2) + pow((Acc_rawZ),2)))*rad_to_deg) - Acc_angle_error_y;    

 //////////////////////////////////////Total angle and filter/////////////////////////////////////
 /*---X axis angle---*/
 Total_angle_x = 0.98 *(Total_angle_x + Gyro_angle_x) + 0.02*Acc_angle_x;
 /*---Y axis angle---*/
 Total_angle_y = 0.98 *(Total_angle_y + Gyro_angle_y) + 0.02*Acc_angle_y;

 /*Uncoment the rest of the serial prines
 * I only print the Y angle value for this test */
 //Serial.print("Xº: ");
 //Serial.print("   |   ");
 Serial.print("Yº: ");
 Serial.println(" ");


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