Ok, one final circuit I have with the TL431 for the sixth example is a delay timer. It would be the circuit below. Using a capacitor, the IC can regulate the current flow in such a way that it will control the time it takes the capacitor to charge or discharge. The delay is given by a formula where Vref is once again 2.5V. By changing the capacitor or resistors values, you can control the delay time.
I mount this circuit below on a breadboard with a capacitor of 1000 uF and supply it at 12V. And after around 8 seconds, the LED would on. If I push the button and once again, after 8 seconds, the LED turns on.
Here I have the same circuit but with a smaller capacitor value. Now the delay time is only around 4 seconds. Each time I push the button I reset the timer and once the time passes, the LED turns back on
So as you can see you can use the TL431 as a delay timer and control the delay time with the C and R from the circuit above. I hope you like this tutorial and maybe you have learned something new. If my videos help you, consider supporting my work on my PATREON or a donation on my PayPal. Thanks again and see you later guys.