PCBWAY PCB service

PCBWAY PCB service


Homemade sensored ESC (PWM input code)

Download the .zip file below. Install it on your Arduino IDE.

This code is for the schematic with the PWM input for the speed control. Read all the comments in the code.

 * Electronoobs sensored brushed motor electronic speed controller code
 * Connect the sensors to pins 8, 9 and 10
 * High gates to pins 7, 5 and 3
 * Low gates to 6, 4 and 2
 * More on http://www.electronoobs.com/eng_circuitos_tut19.php

int pot = A3;
int SensorA = 8;
int SensorB = 9;
int SensorC = 10;
int pwm_pin = 11;

//We create variables for the time width value of the PWM input signal
unsigned long counter, current_count;
byte lastPWM_state;
int PWM_width = 1000;

int fase = 1;
int Delay=4000;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; 
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;

int fase = 1;
int Delay=4000;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; 
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;

void setup() {
  //Define sensor pins and potentiometer as inputs

  DDRD  |= B11111100;  // Sets D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 and D7 as OUTPUT 
  PORTD &= B00000011;  // D2-D7 LOW
  PCICR |= (1 << PCIE0);    //enable PCMSK0 scan                                                 
  PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT0);  //Set pin D8 trigger an interrupt on state change.   sensor A
  PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT1);  //Set pin D9 trigger an interrupt on state change.   sensor B
  PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT2);  //Set pin D10 trigger an interrupt on state change.  sensor C     
  PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT3);  //Set pin D11 trigger an interrupt on state change.  PWM input for speed  
  currentMillis = micros();

void loop() {

  currentMillis = micros();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= Delay){
    previousMillis += Delay;
    if(PWM_width > 1070)
        //Phase1 A-B
        case 1:
        PORTD = B10010000;  //  Pin 7 and 4 to HIGH
        //Phase2 C-B
        case 2:
        PORTD = B00011000;  //  Pin 3 and 4 to HIGH
        //Phase3 C-A
        case 3:
        PORTD = B01001000;  //  Pin 3 and 6 to HIGH
        //Phase4 B-A
        case 4:
        PORTD = B01100000;  //  Pin 5 and 6 to HIGH
        //Phase5 B-C
        case 5:
        PORTD = B00100100;  //  Pin 5 and 2 to HIGH
        //Phase6 A-C
        case 6:
        PORTD = B10000100;  //  Pin 7 and 2 to HIGH
      }//end of switch   
    }//End of if 1070    
  }//Case of if millis  

      PORTD = B01010100;  //  Else we stop everything

}//Void end


  current_count = micros();
  if(PINB & B00001000 ){                                                                 
    if(lastPWM_state == 0){                                             
      lastPWM_state = 1;                                                  
      counter = current_count;                                               
  else if(lastPWM_state == 1){                                             
    lastPWM_state = 0;                                                    
    PWM_width = current_count - counter; 

  //This part will run any time any of the sensor pins will change its value.
  if(  (PINB & B00000101) && fase == 6  ){   
    fase = 1;    

  if(  (PINB & B00000100) && fase == 1 ){   
    fase = 2;    

  if(  (PINB & B00000110) && fase == 2 ){   
    fase = 3;    

  if(  (PINB & B00000010) && fase == 3 ){   
    fase = 4;    

  if(  (PINB & B00000011) && fase == 4 ){   
    fase = 5;    

  if(  (PINB & B00000001) && fase == 5 ){   
    fase = 6;    

brushless Arduino ESC schematic