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STM32 quadcopter
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Author: Andrei
Hmmm... 2019 and drones are everywhere. But they are still expensive, high tech and quite big and laud. But each day, new models get on the market and people are looking for low cost and small drones as well. Why a drone?

- Well, drones are awesome.
- Great way to learn electronics
- Drones could improve our day to day life

See this original post and see how this small PCB drone works with the STM32 microcontroller.

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As you can see, the board is quite complex. There are a lot of components needed to run this board. Also, the motors are not brushless as usually drone have. These are low power brushed coreless motors. To controll these all we need are some mosfets with a PWM control for power. The board, of course, uses the STM32 microcontroller to do all the processes. It uses and ESP32 to receive data or the NRF24 radio mddule. It also has an IMU module in order to fly straight. It has voltage regulators, other drivers and so on.

But hey, it also has a designed PCB for the radio control. As you can see in this photo, it uses two joysticks and the NRF24 radio module to send the data.

The drone is powered by a simple 1S LiPo battery but with a high current discharge rate. You can find these all over the palce for very cheap. The cost of this PCB should also be low since low cost components are used. You should try this project

And if you need PCBs, consider using the services of our sponsor JLCPCB.

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Blog#50 - ESP32 drone

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