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Tube Amplifier - Schematic
12/03/2022 | Views: 12015 | Circuits | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

The kit give us this schematic but I will try make for a future video another schematic made by me. Actually, I will design a PCB for this and share it with you in the future. So as you can see the connections are simple. The main transformer will give us 240V, 3.15V and 6.3V, all AC. With that we supply the vacuum tubes. The audio input from the potentiometer is connected to pins 7 and 2 of the 6N2 tube. Then the signal goes to the other 6P1 tubes. We have some power limiting resistors and some output capacitors and at the output we have the transformers. To make the connections the kit has a connection support. That’s why I would like to make a PCB for this project. Because it would be a lot easier and better looking than some connections on this support.

schematic download vacuum tube audio powerful amplifier

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