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NAZE32 drone - part list
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Ok so we need a few parts to build our drone. First of all we need a drone body. I wanted a big drone so I went with the F450 drone shape from DJI. You could buy that body from a link below or just 3D print it with the files from this link here. Then, we need 4 brushless motors and 4 ESCs. The motors must be 2 CW and 2 CCW for the screw. I'm using big motors of 2212 and 920KV. We need a 3S or 4S Li-Po battery and a flight controller. For taht I wanted to have a barometric sensor in order to use altitude control for my drone. So I went with the NAZE32 or Afroflight board in this case. This is compatible with baseflight so we could later configure the settings of our drone. You also need a power distribution board in case that you're using the 3D printed drone. The commercial drone body usually has the power distribution integrated. Finally, you need a radio controller of at least 5 channels and a radio receiver with PPM or PWM signal output for those channels. Of course, you also need propellers.

We need:


Naze32 drone

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