The first example is to see how to read the push buttons. In this way, we can then make actions with our board. All buttons are connected to digital pins so we could use the digitalRead() function and that will give us a "true" when the button is high (pushed) and a "false" when the button is low (not pressed). With that we can do all kind of actions later.
You will also need the OLED libraries so make sure you install those as well. Then compile and uplaod the code and test the buttons.
Using the image2LCD software we can create a 129 by 64 pixels iamge and get the binary code. Then in the arduino code we can print that to the OLED screen using i2c communication. You will need the OLED libraries as well.
You will also need the OLED libraries so make sure you install those as well. Then compile and uplaod the code and test the logo print and also try your own images with image2LCD.
This example will show you how to set time and get the date, day of the week and the temperature from the DS3231 real time clock. You could also use the examples and set an alarm and beep the buzzer. You will need the the DS3231 libraries and the OLED libraries as well so make sure you get and install those.
You will also need the OLED libraries and the DS3231. Download those and try out more examples.