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Arduino power meter - part list

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Arduino power meter - part list

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- This site contains eBay affiliate links for which I may be compensated
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1 x Arduino NANO/UNO LINK eBay
1 x i2c OLED: LINK eBay
1 x Shunt 0.01: LINK eBay
1 x LM324: LINK eBay
1 x battery charger: LINK eBay
1 x sliding switch: LINK eBay
1 x 4.7 LIPO: LINK eBay
1 x PCB connectors: LINK eBay

Resistors: LINK eBay
Wires LINK eBay
Female PCB pins LINK eBay
Male PCB pins LINK eBay
Drilled PCB LINK eBay

Wire, soldering iron, solder, etc...

power meter arduino tutorial

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