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433MHz Relay Control - TX code
17/10/2020 | Views: 65497 | Arduino | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

This is the code for the MPPT control. Make the connections as below and use i2c connection for the display. You will also need to download and install the i2c liquid crystal library from below. In bulk we limit the current and we don’t care about the voltage while the battery is charging up. Then, in absorption we keep a constant voltage and the current value wild drop and drop. Finally, in float mode we keep a constant lower voltage and a very low current value. Download or copy+paste the code from below.

MPPT Arduino Code (25/12/2020)
i2c Lyquid Crystal library

Arduino MPPT schematic

#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);  //LCD i2c adress sometimes 0x3f or 0x27

uint8_t Battery[8]  = {0x0E, 0x1B, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F};
uint8_t Panel[8]  = {0x1F, 0x15, 0x1F, 0x15, 0x1F, 0x15, 0x1F, 0x00};
uint8_t Pwm[8]  = {0x1D, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15,0x15, 0x15, 0x17};
uint8_t Flash[8]  = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08};

#define bulk_voltage_max 14.5
#define bulk_voltage_min 13
#define absorption_voltage 14.7
#define float_voltage_max 13
#define battery_min_voltage 10
#define solar_min_voltage 19
#define charging_current 2.0
#define absorption_max_current 2.0
#define absorption_min_current 0.1
#define float_voltage_min 13.2
#define float_voltage 13.4
#define float_max_current 0.12
#define LCD_refresh_rate 1000
byte BULK = 0;        //Give values to each mode
byte ABSORPTION = 1;
byte FLOAT = 2;
byte mode = 0;        //We start with mode 0 BULK

#define solar_voltage_in A1
#define solar_current_in A0
#define battery_voltage_in A2

#define PWM_out 10
#define load_enable 2

float bat_voltage = 0;
int pwm_value = 0;
float solar_current = 0;
float current_factor = 0.185;       //Value defined by manufacturer ACS712 5A
float solar_voltage = 0;
float solar_power = 0;
String load_status = "OFF";
int pwm_percentage = 0;
unsigned int before_millis = 0;
unsigned int now_millis = 0;
String mode_str = "BULK";

void setup(){
  pinMode(solar_voltage_in,INPUT);    //Set pins as inputs
  pinMode(PWM_out,OUTPUT);            //Set pins as OUTPUTS
  digitalWrite(PWM_out,LOW);          //Set PWM to LOW so MSOFET is off
  digitalWrite(load_enable,LOW);      //Start with the relay turned off
  TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000001; //timer 1 PWM frequency of 31372.55 Hz

  lcd.init();                 //Init the LCD
  lcd.backlight();            //Activate backlight  

  lcd.createChar(0, Battery);
  lcd.createChar(1, Panel);
  lcd.createChar(2, Pwm);
  lcd.createChar(3, Flash);
  before_millis = millis;     //Used for LCD refresh rate

void loop(){
  solar_voltage = get_solar_voltage(15);
  bat_voltage =   get_battery_voltage(15);
  solar_current = get_solar_current(15);
  solar_power = bat_voltage * solar_current; 
  pwm_percentage = map(pwm_value,0,255,0,100);

  now_millis = millis();
  if(now_millis - before_millis > LCD_refresh_rate)
    before_millis = now_millis;
    lcd.setCursor(0,0);               //Column 0 row 0
    lcd.write(1);                     //Panel icon
    lcd.print(" ");                   //Empty space
    lcd.print(solar_voltage,2);       //Soalr voltage 
    lcd.print("V");                   //Volts
    lcd.print("    ");                //Empty spaces
    lcd.write(0);                     //Battery icon
    lcd.print(" ");                   //Empty space
    lcd.print(bat_voltage,2);         //Battery voltsge
    lcd.print("V");                   //Volts
    lcd.setCursor(0,1);               //Column 0 row 1
    lcd.print("  ");                  //Empty spaces
    lcd.print(solar_current,2);       //Solar current
    lcd.print("A");                   //Ampers
    lcd.print("     LOAD ");           //Print LOAD
    lcd.print(load_status);           //LOAD status
    lcd.setCursor(0,2);               //Column 0 row 2
    lcd.print("  ");                  //Empty spaces
    lcd.print(solar_power,2);         //Solar power
    lcd.print("W");                   //Watts
    lcd.print("     PWM ");           //Print PWM
    lcd.print(pwm_percentage);        //PWM value
    lcd.print("%");                   //Percentage

    lcd.setCursor(0,3);               //Column 0 row 3
    lcd.print(mode_str);              //Print the mode
  if(bat_voltage < battery_min_voltage){
    digitalWrite(load_enable,LOW);        //We DISABLE the load if battery is undervoltage
    load_status  = "OFF";
    digitalWrite(load_enable,HIGH);       //We ENABLE the load if battery charged
    load_status  = "ON";

  if(mode == FLOAT){
    if(bat_voltage < float_voltage_min){
      mode = BULK;
      mode_str = "BULK"; 
      if(solar_current > float_max_current){    //If we exceed max current value, we change mode
        mode = BULK;
        mode_str = "BULK"; 
      }//End if > 
        if(bat_voltage > float_voltage){
          pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
        else {
          pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
      }//End else > float_max_current
  }//END of mode == FLOAT

    if(bat_voltage < bulk_voltage_min){
      mode = BULK;
      mode_str = "BULK";   
    else if(bat_voltage > bulk_voltage_max){
      mode_str = "ABSORPTION"; 
      mode = ABSORPTION;
    if(mode == BULK){
      if(solar_current > charging_current){
        pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
      else {
        pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
    }//End of mode == BULK
    if(mode == ABSORPTION){
      if(solar_current > absorption_max_current){    //If we exceed max current value, we reduce duty cycle
        pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
      }//End if > absorption_max_current
        if(bat_voltage > absorption_voltage){
          pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
        else {
          pwm_value = constrain(pwm_value,0,254);
        if(solar_current < absorption_min_current){
          mode = FLOAT;
          mode_str = "FLOAT"; 
      }//End else > absorption_max_current
    }// End of mode == absorption_max_current
  }//END of else mode == FLOAT



}//End void loop

float get_solar_voltage(int n_samples)
  float voltage = 0;
  for(int i=0; i < n_samples; i++)
    voltage += (analogRead(solar_voltage_in) * (5.0 / 1023.0) * 8.0); 
  voltage = voltage/n_samples;
  if(voltage < 0){voltage = 0;}

float get_battery_voltage(int n_samples)
  float voltage = 0;
  for(int i=0; i < n_samples; i++)
    voltage += (analogRead(battery_voltage_in) * (5.0 / 1023.0) * 7.85);     
  voltage = voltage/n_samples;
  if(voltage < 0){voltage = 0;}

float get_solar_current(int n_samples)
  float Sensor_voltage;
  float current =0;
  for(int i=0; i < n_samples; i++)
    Sensor_voltage = analogRead(solar_current_in) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
    current = current + (Sensor_voltage-2.5)/current_factor; 
  current = current/n_samples;
  if(current < 0){current = 0;}

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